Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Welcome to Make Money Online or Earn 4 Time

Hello and welcome to Make Money Online

I am glad you are now reading this blog. Basically what I will do is show you and teach you how you can make money online. Basically I will not be able to make you millionare, that is up to you if you can do that. I am not a millionare but in fact I am making around 30 dollars a day online.

Ways you can make money online

There are lots of different ways to make money online from list building to clicking on ads to even creating videos and being a partner in youtube.

This blog will teach you and show you sites that you may be able to make extra money online. I do all this as a hobby rather than to make a income. Why? because I spend around 40 - 60 hours a week to make a extra $250 dollars a week on top of my day job. Now it has taken me 6 years to get to the stage I am today. This blog will show you techniques to make money online and it's up to you on how you will build up on these techniques.

This blog will have articles on these topics throughout the next month:
  • PTC, GPT sites (Paid to Click and Get Paid To)
  • Blogging and how to monetize it
  • Using affiliate networks to sell products
  • Doing surveys (often found on PTC and GPT sites)
  • What sites to join and what sites to stay away from
  • Reviews on PTC and GPT sites
The topics that this blog will be talking about a lot more will be PTC and GPT sites. I will also be on the lookout for more ways than on this list.

How I will arrange this blog

The menu of this blog will have Articles. This will be for places that tells you how you can make money in certain types of ways I have mentioned you can make money from. There will be the techniques section which will tell about techniques for any of the ways to make money but will focus more on the PTC and GPT sites aswell as making money from a blog. There will Legit, Ongoing and Not Recommended sections for PTC an GPT sites as well.

So to conclude you will learn how to make money from various different sectors on the internet from creating a blog like this one to joining to PTC or GPT sites to do tasks to make a small amount of money that all ads up. You will also be given techniques on these methods as well. I will do my own investigations of PTC and GPT sites which will be on a review. I will be trying to post a new post everyday but at the least there will be a new post every second day. I will be editing a lot of posts especially posts for my reviews if a site changes status or something happens.

This blog will be your one stop site for making money online.

Keyword for this blog is making money online does take time.

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